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The September Fest 2020 – Tax & Technical

CPD Course Overview

Session 1: Using Tax Measures to Conserve Cash Flow and Create Opportunities in a Downturn

This session will look at practical ways to conserve cash and utilise the tax legislation under various tax headings to effect this. It will also cover possibly opportunities for tax planning as a result of possible depressed values.

CPD Course Speaker: John Murphy & Yvonne O’Sullivan – OmniPro

Session 2: Charity Covid Considerations

Topics covered in this session will include:

  • The Sector – Current Picture (size, significance, public-perceptions/trust etc)
  • Role in the provision of social services/Value of the sector – community development/empowerment
  • Risks and Opportunities to the future of the Sector
  • Impact of Covid19
  • Documents shaping the sector 2020
  • Programme for Government

CPD Course Speaker: Ivan Cooper – The Wheel

Session 3: Topical VAT Issues

VAT is a fundamental part of not only the day-to-day reporting obligations for many businesses but also in the context of engaging in the letting, sale and acquisition of interests in property. The primary focus of this session to be provide an overview of the key provisions in respect of VAT on Immovable Property, offering accountants a knowledge and insight to support their clients in this area. The session will also separately cover an overview of topical VAT compliance matters relevant to reporting of cross border transactions.

  • Supplies of Immovable Property
  • Capital Goods Scheme
  • VAT advice on Contracts for Sale / Pre-Contract VAT Enquiries
  • Lettings of Immovable Property
  • VAT Compliance – Cross Border Transactions

CPD Course Speakers: Patrick Fannon – RBK

Session 4: Effective Professional Ethics

In a complex world, making ethical decisions demands sound knowledge of the professional conduct requirements. The public and our clients expect that our conduct meets ethical principles. The presentation will guide you through some of the ethical prerequisites and brings you up to date with changes to the Code which came into effect recently. Sound decision making can improve client relations and reputation. Appropriate documentation provides supports in practice review.

  • Overview of part A of the Code
  • Practical application of some Fundamental Principles
  • Documentation of decisions made based on the Code’s pronouncements
  • Training, to achieve a better understanding of the Code by partners and staff
  • Responding to non-compliance with laws and regulations, section 360 of the Code

CPD Course Speakers: Ulrich Schackermann – Consultus Professional Services

Session 5: Trusts – Tax and Legal Consequences

This session will cover the following topics:

  1. It is vital for practitioners to be aware of the different types of trusts available.
  2. Be aware of the tax consequences of these trusts
  3. Learn ways to reduce tax exposure for all parties to the Trust

CPD Course Speaker: James Bradley – James Bradley & Co

Session 6: Monitoring Visits in a Covid-19 World

Even during the Covid-19 situation we’re facing, unfortunately compliance visits are still mandatory for both audit and non-audit firms.

Receiving notification of the monitoring visit can be a very stressful time for a firm with the fallout from Covid-19 only adding to this stress

Firms need to pass to ensure they stay on the right side of regulation as failure to pass will attract unwanted attention from the Institute and potential regulation and disciplinary issues

Preparation is key and especially during this period of Covid-19, knowing what is involved will assist firms to prepare

During this session we’ll guide you through the changed process and cover the following topics;

  • Topic 1:                An Overview of the ‘New’ Monitoring Process;
  • Topic 2:                The Whole Firm Review Process and top whole firm issues;
  • Topic 3:                Anti-Money Laundering Review and top issues;
  • Topic 4:                Top Audit File Issues;
  • Topic 5:                The Post Monitoring Process.

CPD Course Speaker: Colm Owens – OmniPro

Session 7: Succession Planning for Owner Managed Businesses

Mark will present on the main succession planning tax reliefs for owner managed businesses including a review of the main conditions for relief, a number of worked examples and recent relevant Tax Appeal Commission decisions.

During this session we will examine:

  • Retirement relief and business relief
  • Work though a number of examples
  • Recent TAC cases
  • Share buybacks

CPD Course Speaker: Mark Doyle – Doyle Keaney

Session 8: Solicitors Accounting & Reporting

With continued media attention on solicitors when things go wrong, the role of the Reporting Accountant continues to come under scrutiny from both the Law Society and the various Accountancy Bodies.

With that backdrop the purpose of this session is to deal with the provisions of the solicitors accounts regulations focussing particularly on the role of the reporting accountants, to give  an insight into the types of issues that the Law Society investigating accountants encounter and identify risk factors when  reporting on solicitors accounts.

This session will cover the following:

  • The Legislative Requirements – Solicitors Accounts Regulations 2014
  • The Law Society Accountants Report & Reporting of Breaches of the SARs
  • Planning a Solicitors Engagement & the Requirements of the Reporting Accountant;
  • The Law Societies Role & Issues arising on Inspections;
  • Problem or Risk areas & upcoming changes.

CPD Course Speaker: Colm Owens – OmniPro

Session 9: Brexit Considerations and Covid-19

Rose Tierney will be discussing the following in this session and much more:

  • Covid-19 Temporary Measures
  • Personal Tax Residence – ROI
  • Statutory Residence – UK
  • Employer Payroll Obligations – ROI & UK
  • Employer / Employee Wage Supports
  • Brexit  – The Story so far
  • VAT & Duty Update
  • Customs and Logistics
  • Tariff Classification

CPD Course Speaker: Rose Tierney – Tierney Tax Consultancy

Session 10: AML – Including Recent Legislative Updates and COVID-19 Considerations

This session will focus on a review of the impact of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2018, incorporating:

  • Practical advice and guidance for MLROs
  • Business Risk Assessments and how to prepare this
  • The components of good Customer Due Diligence- how to assess clients as low/medium/high risk
  • Politically exposed persons and enhanced procedures
  • Guidance for firms when they encounter suspicious activity
  • How and when professional privilege can be used
  • Recent legislative updates including changes to the reporting regime
  • Update on topical issues such as COVID-19 and AML directives to be implemented

CPD Course Speaker: Mike O’Halloran – OmniPro

Session 11: Tax On Property – 2020 Update

The taxation of property transactions is a major financial concern for clients through ordinary and extraordinary economic times. The automatic publication of determinations by the Tax Appeals Commission in recent years has provided an invaluable insight into Revenue’s views on some contentious matters in the area of property taxation. Through the format of reviewing some recent tax appeals cases, this presentation will provide an update on the prevailing interpretation in some areas of tax on property including:

  • The distinction between rental income and trading income from property
  • The meaning of sole or main residence
  • Allowable deductions from rental profits
  • The impact on various tax heads of changes in property law

CPD Course Speaker: Daragh O’Shaughnessy – AITI, Chartered Tax Advisor

Session 12: The Built to Sell Strategy for Accountants

With the Coronoavirus crisis ongoing currently you may not be thinking about selling your firm, but whether you are a new start-up firm, a well established firm or someone who is looking at considering your exit options this webinar is for you. None of us are going to last forever and everyone who starts a business needs to have an exit plan. Even if you never want to exit building a saleable firm means you are building a more profitable and less stressful business. Who does not want that?

Right now the world is changing, the business world is changing and the accounting business world is changing. Coronavirus has given us the opportunity to make changes in a way that is not possible in “normal” times. Now is the time to look at what you really want in your business, what your non-negotiables are and make the changes. The Built to Sell Strategy is the corner stone of every businesses strategy.

In this session we look at what the components and characteristics of a saleable business and the 7 steps for you to follow to build your business to make it a scaleable cash generating asset. These steps include

  1. Developing Products or Services with the Potential to Scale
  2. Identifying Ideal Customers to Buy those Products and Services
  3. Creating a Positive Cashflow Cycle
  4. Building a Team
  5. Developing a System to Deliver the Result
  6. Develop a Single Focus Growth and a Sales Process
  7. Incentive Scheme for Senior Team Members

If nothing else right now who doesn’t want a positive cashflow cycle?
Join Des O’Neill for this fast paced practical and informative session to start the process of building an easier more profitable business.

CPD Course Speaker: Des O’Neill – OmniPro

Session 13: Update on the Wage Subsidy Schemes

With the recent introduction of the second major wage subsidy scheme in 6 months this seminar will bring the attendee up to date with the current live issues as they unfold. It will highlight issue that are emerging with the EWSS and issues being carried forward from the TWSS including the Revenue reconciliation project and the taxation of employees who received the subsidy.

  • Key aspects of EWSS –
  • continuous qualifying criteria review & qualifying employees
  • TWSS carry forward issues –
  • subsidy reconciliation and employer repayments
  • employee tax liabilities
  • proprietary director tax liabilities

CPD Course Speaker: Paul Murphy – Martin J. Kelly & Co

Session 14: KnowledgeHUB – Top Technical Issues Autumn 2020

This session will cover the following topics:

  • Form 11 for 2019 – Directors salaries on an earned basis – payments after year end – How to practically apply & what to document?
  • Some of the CRO changes over the past couple of months – share redemptions etc.;
  • Documenting ex-gratia payments where voluntary strike off route is taken
  • Accounting for share for shares – What to watch between the two accounting standards – FRS 105/102 – Whether the FRS 102 follows Company law get outs. Our preference on the route to take and why
  • What are the implications for Irish and UK auditors in a post BREXIT world
  • Auditing Financial Statements where a Revenue Audit is ongoing
  • Acting as a company secretary through a company secretarial company;
  • Changes in professional appointments, fee issue and books and records etc
  • Proprietary Directors – Post Year End Bonus / Salary

CPD Course Speakers: John Murphy, Mike O’Halloran, Colm Owens, Yvonne O’Sullivan & Lisa Cosgrave – OmniPro

Session 15: Income Tax Planning and Changes to 2019 Income Tax Return

In this session, Michael Smith will cover the following topics:

  • Extract funds in a tax efficient manner
  • Pensions/RAC contributions
  • Termination payments
  • Changes to the 2019 Income Tax return
  • Income tax compliance issues
  • How completion of returns can lead to Revenue enquiries

CPD Course Speaker: Michael Smith – FS Taxation

Session 16: Current Financial Reporting Issues – FRS 102, S.1A FRS 102 and FRS 105

This session will cover real life queries and issues that we are getting asked by Accountants in practice as well as various issues that are being identified by monitors.

CPD Course Speaker: John Murphy – OmniPro

Online CDP Course Facilitator:

John Murphy, OmniPro Tax & Legal

As a lead member of our technical support team, John relishes problem-solving to help accountants develop innovative client solutions and sharing technical knowledge on tax, financial reporting and auditing.

A Chartered Tax Adviser, he advises clients in practice on a range of issues from income tax, tax planning, restructuring and exit planning to Revenue audits.  In addition, he provides support on financial reporting, auditing and company law; conducts company valuations and advises on pre-sale restructuring.

Ivan Cooper – The Wheel

Ivan works as Director of Advocacy with The Wheel and is responsible for progressing The Wheel’s policy positions on cross-cutting issues affecting the community and voluntary sector, such as charity regulation, funding the sector, encouraging active-citizenship, setting standards and raising awareness of the role and significance of the sector.

Ivan represents The Wheel on a range of fora, national and international and also acts as one of The Wheel’s lead trainers in the areas of governance, strategic leadership and demonstrating impact.

Patrick Fannon – RBK

A Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland and an AITI Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA), Patrick specialises in corporate tax and Value Added Tax (‘VAT’) across a wide range of clients in the manufacturing, retail, and property sectors.

Prior to joining RBK, Patrick trained with KPMG and has over six years of experience in tax roles with large multinational business. As a result,

Patrick has a wide range of expertise in dealing with practical tax issues facing businesses.

James Bradley, ACCA, AITI

James Bradley ACCA, AITI. Is the principle of his own tax practice James Bradley & Co. James has also been lecturing/presenting for the Chartered Accountants Ireland, Institute of Taxation Ireland, Certified Public Accountants Ireland for over 15 years. He also sets tax exams for some of the above Institutes.

In practice James deals with large and small clients alike and deals with tax issues under all tax heads – from Capital Taxes, Vat, Corporation Tax, Income Tax etc

Colm Owens – OmniPro

As a member of our Practice Support team, Colm’s focus is on helping practices achieve on-going best practice compliance, prepare for monitoring visits and assist with post-monitoring visits follow-ups.

Having spent the last 6 years as a quality reviewer with Chartered Accountants Ireland Colm has a unique insight into how firms operate, the challenges facing firms and how firms are responding to current issues facing them and the profession.

Ulrich Schackermann, Consultus Professional Services

Ulrich has more than 30 years’ experience in the profession and holds additional qualification in professional ethics. Since 2005, Ulrich has provided support for professional accountants and firms in the field of professional ethics. His experience as a partner in a large international firm provides him with in depth experience in serving clients and the public.

Ulrich is a Member of the Appeals Panel of CAI and the Ethics Committee of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Mark Doyle – Doyle Keaney

Mark is a member of Chartered Accountants Ireland and the Irish Tax Institute. He is the author of Capital Gains Tax – A Practitioners Guide published by Chartered Accountants Ireland, he regularly contributes articles on tax matters to professional publications. Mark is a director of Doyle Keaney, he specialises in providing tax advice to private clients and to other professional firms and their clients.

Rose Tierney – Tierney Tax Consultancy

Rose Tierney is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser in both the UK and Ireland. She previously worked as a director with a Big Four firm in Dublin and prior to that several years were spent in London advising businesses on tax planning and transactions.

In 2004, Rose established an independent Tax Practice Tierney Tax Consultancy and has since then been advising clients in the SME sector and their accountants and solicitors on various aspects of Irish and UK taxation.

Mike O’Halloran

Mike, a member of our Practice Support team, is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor. He is responsible for carrying out hot file reviews, cold file reviews, annual compliance reviews, in-house training & supporting firms on a day to day basis.

Formerly a quality reviewer with Chartered Accountants Ireland, this role saw him visiting firms of various sizes across Ireland conducting audit, non-audit and anti-money laundering visits.

Daragh O’Shaughnessy AITI Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA)

Daragh has provided expert tax advice to a diverse range of personal and corporate clients, from sole traders to High Net Worth investors and SMEs to multinationals for 15 years. His CPD lectures and articles view tax issues from a practical perspective that can put to immediate use in attendees’ day-to-day business, as well as using technical analysis for a deeper understanding of the issues.

Des O’Neill – OmniPro

Having worked for a number of years in practice, Des O’Neill co-founded OmniPro to develop tools, techniques, products and services, empowering accountants to achieve their best. Over 15 years, he has grown the company to a multi-million-euro turnover business and established OmniPro as Ireland’s largest independent provider of CPD for accountants.

Des is passionate about bringing innovation to the profession and empowering accountants to achieve what they want in their careers and practice

Paul Murphy – Martin J Kelly & Co

Paul Murphy is a taxation consultant and management accountant for Martin J. Kelly & Co. He is a corporation tax lecturer for the Irish Taxation Institute and is an Associate of both the Irish Taxation Institute and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Paul is a co-author of the Irish Taxation Institute’s annual publication, Irish Taxation Law and Practice.

Yvonne O’Sullivan

Yvonne is a key member of our technical support team, providing advice on all tax heads in response to queries submitted through our Knowledge Hub platform. In addition, she provides support within the tax department on tax planning, restructuring and exit planning solutions for a range of clients.

A Chartered Certified Accountant, Yvonne trained and worked in small practice for a number of years followed by working for over 2 years in an independent Dublin based firm.

Michael Smith – FS Taxation

Michael is a Partner with FS Taxation, a firm that specialises in tax planning for personal and corporate clients.

Michael has over 25 years of tax experience, and held a number of senior positions with top Irish practices before setting up his own practice 15 years ago.

He has lectured and written widely for Chartered Accountants Ireland, the Irish Tax Institute and other professional bodies. Michael is an accountant and a member of the Irish Tax Institute.