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Companies Act 2014 Summary Part 22 Unregistered Companies and Joint Stock Companies

Part 22 Unregistered companies and Joint Stock Companies

5 Chapters – Sections 1312 to 1347

Chapter Overview

Chapter 1 – Application of Act to unregistered companies

Chapter 2 – Registration of certain bodies (other than joint stock companies) as companies

Chapter 3 – Winding up of unregistered company

Chapter 4 – Provisions concerning companies registered, but not formed, under Acts and certain other existing companies

Chapter 5 – Registration of joint companies under this Act

Part Summary

The application of the Act to unregistered companies and the mechanism for an unregistered company to become registered.

What is new?

The Act largely re-enacts previous provisions in relation to unregistered companies and the process for registration.

What is different?

The Act sets out a specific procedure (S 1316) for the registration of an unregistered company as a PLC.

What are the Key Points?

  • There is now a mechanism to register an unregistered company.

What do accountants need to do?

Accountants should avail of the opportunity to advise clients to register any unregistered companies in the appropriate form.

What do companies need to do?

Companies should take the opportunity to register if they have not already done so and familiarise themselves with the governance requirements relevant to the type of company they will register as.