The CRO introduced email alerts to Auditors when their Auditor Registration Number (“ARD”) is included on a B1 Annual Return when filed at the CRO. Once a month the CRO issue an email to all Auditors whose ARN was used in the last month listing the companies that have used that ARN.
Auditors can contact the CRO it they did not conduct an audit for any of the company’s on the list.
This system is designed to ensure that only auditor’s reports signed by registered auditors are filed with the CRO and at the same time protect registered auditors from having their ARN or their name used on an auditor’s report without their consent.
Despite the introduction of the ARN number, companies may continue to try to fraudulently use an ARN so it is important to check the emails when received from the CRO.
Instant Notification
The CRO have amended their procedures to allow Auditors to receive an instant email each time a B1 form is filed containing their ARN.
The advantage of receiving the instant email is that if the ARN has been fraudulently used, the auditor can act immediately to prevent the return being registered with the CRO. If the document is registered it can only be removed from the Register by way of a High Court Order.
If you wish to opt out of receiving an instant email you can email [email protected].
Email Address
The email notification for the ARN is only effective if the correct email address has been used and the CRO email checked every time it is received to ensure the ARD has not been fraudulently used. I would encourage you to check with your Institute to confirm the email address you have registered with them and that someone in your practice takes responsibility for reviewing the emails.
Should you have any questions in relation to this article or should you have any Company Law or Company Secretarial queries please contact John Murphy on 053 910 0000, [email protected]